Rock’n Roll!

Nina Caprez im Silbergeier 8b+, Rätikon

Last week it snowed and hailed in the Rätikon, perfect frictions for Silbergeier, I thought?!?

Nina Caprez im Silbergeier 8b+, Rätikon

Not really, bundled up like a Michelin Men, it was not so easy to climb my project. I failed at that attempt because of the rain, I was too scared and hesitant due to the wet conditions.

A few days ago this last Saturday, together with the local legend Günter Habersatter, I was climbing with no hope for an attempt, since the last pitch still looked wet. The plan for the day was to show all the route beta to Günti.

I climbed without pressure, with a free and open mind, laughing when snowflakes started to fall on to the holds, this was great for my psyche. The first 8b pitch felt like a 7a warm up, on the 7c+ flat traverse, my feet were like glued on to the footholds, on the 8a+ my fingers felt like they were frozen on to rock, on the 7a I even tried on a new pair of climbing shoes, then rock’n roll the last 2 pitches, the 8b+ and the terribel 7c+ were also a perfect send.

What can I say? No pressure, no expectations….. the climbing was just awesome and it felt so easy.

For me, this was the perfect climb, my big dream, this will for sure be one of the most beautiful highlights of my little climbing career…

Nina Caprez im Silbergeier 8b+, Rätikon

Nina Caprez im Silbergeier 8b+, Rätikon

Nina Caprez im Silbergeier 8b+, Rätikon

Nina Caprez im Silbergeier 8b+, Rätikon