

Copyright © 2012 by Nina Caprez
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Stefan Schlumpf
Keith Ladzinski
Sam Bié

Nina Caprez
16  rue Colbert
38000 Grenoble

Graphic design and technical implementation

Gestaltung: Spescha Visual Design
Technische Umsetzung: ouwan gmbh

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[PDF 556kb]
Carnet d’adresse
Photos by Sam Bié
Rätikon action

[PDF 1372kb]
Photos by Keith Ladzinski
Viva la vie
Climbing in the gorges of Verdon

Bianco Magazin
[PDF 549kb]
Petzl Roc Trip China
Photos by Sam Bié
Tony Lamiche climbing at Petzl RocTrip China
Petzl roc trip in china
Nina in China
Outdoor Guide
[PDF 1003kb]
Photos by Stefan Schlumpf
Fish eye
Sportclimbing in Spain, Oliana
[PDF 4904kb]
Photos by Serge Caillaut
About a Girl
My passion for climbing
[PDF 24’658kb]
Photos by Stefan Schlumpf
Ali Baba
UP 2011
[PDF 17’284kb]
Ali Baba
Photos by Robert Bösch
Tuzgle Bande Annonce
Climbing in Argentina
[PDF 513kb]
Hotel Supramonte
Photos by Stefan Schlumpf
Fanatic search
A Girl Thing
Schweizer Illustrierte
[PDF 3’976kb]
Photos by Rainer Eder
Über Nina
[PDF 953kb]





Nar Tanesi, 8b+/8c, Citdibi

Hélix, 8c+, Pic St. Loup

Symbiose, 8b+, Roquevaire

Guère d’usure, 8c, Claret

Stop Sika, 8c, Rawyl

Les spécialistes, 8b+, Verdon

Bout’Chou, 8b+, Buoux

Les mains sales, 8b, Buoux (first 8b of France)

Direct of free fight extention, 8c, Lubéron

Humildes pa casa, 8b+, Oliana

Little Kings, 8c, St. Ange

Tête de Gondole, 8b+, Boffy

Les braves gens…, 8b, Verdon

Aiztol, 8c, Margalef

Mind Control, 8c+, Oliana




Unendliche Geschichte, 420m, 8b+, Rätikon

Hannibals Alptraum, 300m, 7c, Rätikon

Orbayu, 550m, 8c, Picos de Europa

(No ground up ascension,

red point all pitches)

Carnet d’adresse, 250m, 8b+, Grenoble

Dame Cookie, 150m, 8a+, Verdon

Silbergeier, 200m, 8b+, Rätikon

Délicatessen, 150m, 8b, Corsika

Ali Baba, 240m, 8a+, Aiglun

Hotel Supramonte, 8b, Sardinia

La Ramirole, 150m, 8b, Verdon

Ultime Démence, 150m, 8a+, Verdon


About me

I’m born on November 15th 1986 in the small town of Kueblis Switzerland located in the Praettigau Valley. A typical Swiss Valley that still continues to wonder at my non-typical way of life. Already at a young age, I enjoyed all what life had to offer, especially with my 2 older siblings that joined me in many adventures. Life took me everywhere from snowboarding to wild parties, to 4000 meter peaks, to school excursions, to mountain biking, to playing the flute and piano and finally it took me out of this secluded valley into the open world.
I must agree: A planned and routine lifestyle would only make me unhappy. The openness that I travel through life brings me to the craziest places and meet the most interesting characters. My joy and motivation, which I have not only for climbing, seems to affect the people I meet and spend time with. Because of that we all come to experience wonderful things together.


To climb routes, that do not tolerate any kind of mistake but demand
everything that I have, that is why sport climbing is so fascinating!
If I can climb every individual crux section of a route, then it is clear for me that I can climb the route in one go. Then no longer will muscle fatigue and tiredness stop me from reaching my goal. To accomplish the non-stop accent of a climb; concentration is the key to success. Concentration in every move, in every position and on every part of your body. Concentration to maintain only positive thoughts throughout the climb. If my body manages to climb all of these sections of the route in one go, that I could only climb one at a time, then I have pushed myself beyond my limits.

An absolute “Flash” feeling. Addictive!

Hard Multipitch Climbing

To have lots of empty air underneath you, to feel exposed, no noise, no distractions, only me and the high steep rock face.

Without any thoughts of falling, to believe in me that I can climb all the very difficult sections even if they are 300 hundred meters above ground. To have the trust in the equipment, in your belay partner, in your self. All these factors fascinate me and attract me to this type of climbing.

The awareness of the vertical height and fresh air; they sharpen my senses and leave me with images and impressions of me and who I am.


I enter another universe, a black void, my eyes are open but there is no way of knowing….

I discovered my fascination for the darkness three years ago, and since then, I’ve been spending days and days exploring this other word. It is a world for which the craziest of colors paint themselves against the stone, hallways as big as roman cathedrals fill the voids, stalactites and stalagmites ring like giant organ pipes, and underground lakes the size of giant canyons keep reminding me how small I really am. In a world so big, it is funny how often find myself suffocating in passages so tight that all I can breath and feel is dirt and mud. Everything about this world is crazy and I love it. Caving for me is the perfect “ying” to climbing’s “yang.”