Shoulder problems….

Since a couple of months, my body is not in a perfect health. I blessed my shoulder 8 months ago and I met a long time to be able to reclimb.
When I camed back from my last France trip in november, I felt really unfit. So too motivaded I restarted to train and my shoulder rebegan to hurts me. I wasn’t shure if it was only the gym training, which is to violent for me, or if there is a serious problem.
So I decided the last week to go rockclimbing in the south of France but this time, the pain went stronger and stronger. I passed a good week, but I wasn’t able to climb like I wanted and now I have to make a long break. Hopefully I can avoid an operation, because I’m really afraid to do this step.
I will see, perhaps I can solve my problems with osteopathy. I have to change my minds in the next weeks to stay optimiste and for shure, I will spend a lot of time in the snow!

Here are some pics from the last week in France. 25 degrees, incredible!





