Mountain film festival in Grenoble

Teaser des 13èmes Rencontres du cinéma de… par maisondelamontagne

This year, I’ve had the pleasure to present two films on the mountain film festival in Grenoble. The first was Rock’n Cuba from Vladimir Cellier and Julien Nadiras. It was not only a pure climbing film, it was more a mix between music, culture, livestyle and for shure the climbing in Cuba. A peace of art…thank’s once more to Vlad and Julien for their unique work.


Beside climbing and mountain movies, we’ve had the pleasure to see for the first time on this festival a film about caving. The descent from the Petzl Team to the Berger, -1’000m this summer.


I’ve had a lot of fun and it was really cool to see all these films on a big screen.

Soirée du mardi 15 novembre 2011 – Rencontres du… par maisondelamontagne

Caving….it’s time to do more! In one week I will go with Cédric and three friends from Grenoble to Vietnam for exploring and discovering. I’m really psyched because I’m shure that it will be, once more, one of these incredible adventures…;-)
