Corsika, too much rain!

To be honest, I’m a little bit frustraded…We’ve had such bad weather in Corsika, that it was impossible to climb Délicatessen.

The first day we were climbing in this incredible wall, I was fan!. After an 1,5 hours approach to the wall, the route starts cash with an 8b. An 8b on granit, wow, really technical and not easy at all. The next two pitches, a 7c and 7c+, more physical, crag climbing, but also pure balance…pitch 4, an 8a, was a 4 meter long 7B boulder problem on a terrible flat…

Two days in the route and after that it starts to rain and rain and rain….near the coast side the weather was not so bad, but in the mountains of Bavella, it was always cloudy and raining all the time. After five days we were so sucked and we went home.

Ahhh, I don’t like to leave a project, but I will go back when the weahter is good for this beautiful line!Once more, tbc!;-)

Enjoy the pictures from the first two days and you will see more after the redpoint in a few weeks!;-)












Petzl Roc Trip Mexico and Cuba

Here we are, tomorrow I will take my plane to Mexico. You can take part of the trip on the Petzl homepage.

Just after this trip, I will fly to Cuba with a couple of friends of mine: Julien Nadiras, Mike Fuselier, Enzo Oddo, Mélissa le Nevé, Vladimir Cellier and for shure Cédric Lachat.

We are going to do a pure exploring trip! Climbing, discovering, route setting, dancing, drinking rhum and smoking cigarres!:-)

I’m so phsyched!!!!


Here is the entirely film from our expedition in Kirgistan. You can also have a better look on it on my page in MEDIA, VIDEOS.

Enjoy it!

[flashvideo file=wp-content/uploads/2009/12/FREE_ASAN_DE_SMALL.swf /]

Argentine,on arrive!

Apres un vol de fou,  je suis enfin arrive a buenos aires ou j’ai retrouve Julien, G et Joahn. On a bien aime la vie dans la ville, les gens sont geniale, la bouffe majeur et on est en pleins printemps!
L lendemain on a traverse toute la ville avec nos immenses sacs et crash pour aller a la station de bus, ca c’etait moins drole…On a passe 22 heures dans le bus et on a pu sortir seulement une fois, j’ai cru je fais une crise!
Bref, a la fin on est arrive ici a Jujuy, toute en nord du paye, les alpes juste a cote de nous.

Toute le monde est la, un 4*4 est organise, la bouffe pour un moins est achete, les bras trop pret pour tirer!!!

Mais il faut aller tranquillement. Ici a Jujuy on est a 1200 metres, demain on va monter a 3800 et rester la pour s’aclimatiser….Mais ca ne fait rien parce que l’ambiance dans le group est geniale, le paysage extremement beau et on mange la meuilleure viande du monde!!! C’est trop bien la vie ici, j’adorre!!!

New York, New York…

Ce matin j’ai commence mon voyage en Argentine. Malheureusement je suis un peu bloque ici a New York, parce qu’ils ont annule mon vol. Voila quoi! A la place d’aller directement a Buenos Aires, je vais faire un petit stop a la plage a Miamai!:-)

Project south america


Well, a new climbing journey will start soon! On the 11th of november I will go with a couple of good French guys for six weeks to south america.

We will be in the middle of nowhere, in the desert of Argentinia. The boulder ptuzgle_volcan.jpgotential there is immense and everything is to explore and to discover.

I’m really excited to go there and to climb a lot, far away from the busy Europe; Entering in another world where the word ‘time’ does not existe…