Me and Cédric, we were climbing about two week’s in the beautiful cliff of Oliana. It was our first travel with our home made ‘climb-mobile’. This was a great feeling! (After some brake down’s on the border..)

The time to go climbing outside was perfect because during the day it was really warm (perfect for sunbathing) and in the afternoon when the rock was in the shassow, it was really freezy and a good frictions! After three month of cold we were also so happy to be outside and to feel the sun, rock and fresh air…

So first I gave a belay to Cédric in ‘el gran blau’, an incredible 50 meter long 8b+/8c. He felt on-sight on the really top and so I was motivaded to try this route as well.

This route took’s me a lot of trys because I lost all my endurance during the winter, so on the top my forderarms were always explosed!
Cédric sent the route on his third try and after on-sighting ‘humilides pa casa’, the famous tufa 8b+ ans ‘Full equip’, he choosed his project of the trip: Papichulo, 9a+

Climbing in Oliana was really tiring, because you are spending a lot of time in this long routes and it’s really hard to manage the physical effort. But Cédric and me, we are really psyched for rest days as well, specialy near the sea!

We loved the fresh seafood and I’m shure that it was the best thing for our sore muscles!
Full of energy every day, I was changing my project and I tried ‘Full equip’, a really soft 8c. After one work out, I climbed the route on my second go. A big fight, it was great!
After this sent, my mind was so free and after two days of rest I finally sent ‘el gran blau’ on my worm-up. Just after that, I was so psyched to climb more hard routes and so I attacked my project from this trip ‘Fish eye’, a wonderful 8c.

After two times of working out and also two restdays, I climbed this incredible line on my fith go. It was a perfect go, I felt really good and I was just happy to climb, that’s all!

Infect from my good vibes, Cédric sent ‘Papichulo’ just after and I could say that it was a perfect day!;-)

I think that I was a lot more happy for the send of Cédric because he was working hard for one week long on this route and he did a huge fight in it! I was confused because I climbed Fish eye so quickly, that I was looking for something harder where I have to fight like a tiger as well!
After a good celebration of our performances ( with too much wine…) I was choosing a new project: ‘Mind control’ 8c+.

This long route was just perfect for me and after one good work, I already gave my go’s. On my third go I wasn’t far away to send and I knew that after two or three restdays, I would be able to send.

After two week’s of hard climbing, we were getting so tired and mainly Cédric has had his dose of ‘pushing you body’ and the only thing that he wanted to do was to go home for caveclimbing. For me as well, I missed Grenoble and in case of a couple of restdays and a probably send of ‘Mind control’ , we drove back home to go climbing under the earth!;-)